Poster presentation of the MURmap Project on the ICPMS user meeting and PANGEO in September in Leoben
By MurMap
September 12, 2022
One important aspect of doing a PhD is to present the work to the scientific community. So happened in September 2022 on two conferences held in Leoben.
The ICPMS user meeting (05.-08.09.2022), organized by the Chair of General and Analytical Chemistry, gave the opportunity to get in contact with experienced experts in a wide field of methodology in analytical chemistry, which is especially important for element and isotope analysis.
The PANGEO (10.-13.09.2022) was prepared by the Department Applied Geosciences and Geophysics. As many geologists from Austria and especially the Styrian region were present a lot of input on interpretation of the peaks in elemental water analysis of the Mur was given.
The presented poster (see below) on the two conferences attracted attention and opened instructive discussions which showed up occasions for further cooperation.